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RFID geeft sales een boost van 5.5% in de Retail Sector

Uit een Engels onderzoek is gebleken dat het gebruik van RFID in de Retail sector gezorgd heeft voor een boost van 5,5% in sales.

“Measuring the Impact of RFID in Retailing’ finds 100% of retailers surveyed saw a positive ROI from implementing RFID. Marks & Spencer, which has pioneered the use RFID in the UK, were one of the 10 companies that took part in the research. “We were pleased to be asked to participate in such a comprehensive and thorough study into the state of RFID in retail today. This exciting technology innovation for retailers is often misunderstood and shrouded in mystery. Hopefully this new report will dispel some of the myths and provide valuable new insight to assist all of us that are on the RFID journey.”

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