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The Internet of Food & Farm 2020

The Internet of Food and Farm 2020, or for short IoF2020, project aims to consolidate Europe’s leading position in the Internet of Things (IoT) technology applied to the agri-food sector.

We develop and ecosystem consisting of farmers, food companies, policy-makers, technology providers, research institutes and end-users. The project aims to solve the European food and farming sectors’​ social challenges, maintain their competitiveness and increase their sustainability. Over 70 partners world wide participate in this project, including Mieloo & Alexander.

Returnable Transport Items (RTI) for packaging and transporting fresh produce play a crucial role in getting fruit from the farm to the consumer’s plate. Millions of RTIs from different packaging pools are handled every day within and between thousands of companies in the supply chain. In the trail for intelligent fruit logistics Mieloo & Alexander has teamed up with other partners to, with the use of RFID and our data processing platform, increase the usage of the RTI and to reduce the use of plastic in the sector and simultaneously decrease environmental pollution. And last but not least, this use case can help to cut Foodwaste dramatically.
More details about the trail for intelligent fruit logistics can be found here.

Horizon 2020

IoF2020 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 731884


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