Mieloo and Alexander

Active locating

Active Locating Solutions for Enhanced Operations

Active positioning systems such as LoRa-Wan, Ultra-Wideband or Bluetooth Low Energy are used whenever either very high read distances (up to >1km) are required or when parts have to be located very precisely (the positioning accuracy of the systems is sometimes in the centimeter range).

5 As many of 30.000 vehicles are present at the terminal as is the equivalent of RTLS tags

Typical areas of application are:

  • Container/RTI tracking
  • Process monitoring
  • Plant monitoring
  • Vehicle locating

In combination with, for example, shock or temperature sensors, active transponders not only allow the parts to be located, but also allow the current status to be monitored (e.g. for preventive alarms if temperature rises to a critical level) and a conclusion to be drawn as to whether any damage is due to a handling error.

3 RoRo ships bring finished vehicles of obver 30 brands to the car terminal

Transforming Data into Action

Our M&A software processes the location and sensor data, makes them easily accessible and translates them into process intelligence. This results in the following possibilities:

  • Automated notifications, alarms and/or status messages
  • Fully automatic documentation
  • Real-time position display incl. search function
  • Back-end integration for e.g. goods receipt or goods issue postings
  • Identification of process weaknesses through data mining and big data analysis

Do you have further questions about active tracking systems? Please contact us, we will be happy to advise you.

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